1. Product Name: DecoArmor. Products and Systems.
2. Manufacturer: DecoArmor
3. Product Description:
DecoArmor is an advanced alternative to traditional products that are used for interior and exterior finishes on walls, floors, counters, and other surfaces.
Each DecoArmor finish product is carefully reproduced from natural products providing exact replicas of textured articles, such as stone, brick, wood, and others. DecoArmor is an excellent substitute for traditional products and installs easily with little time and cost. DecoArmor does not typically require structural support, lift equipment or skilled labor, or a mason to install.
4. Availability & Cost:
Available from manufacturer’s authorized distributors in select regions.
Products are typically priced by the piece. Landed costs are determined by the distance from the manufacturer and quantities ordered.
5. Installation:
Handle and store product according to manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure all substrate surfaces are clean and dry, free of grease, oil or dust. Ensure any existing surfaces to receive Products are securely fastened or adhered prior to installation.
Products are easily field cut with conventional construction cutting tools, and installed with packaged or specified materials. Products lightweight nature make applications quick and easy.
DecoArmor textured finishing products are applied directly over the substrate or surface. Surface may require pre-treatment of a weather resistant membrane (see DecoArmor Installation Guidelines). DecoArmor products are made from high density, self-curing polyurea with a permanently impregnated color coating that is colorfast and UV stable. Silicone rubber molds are cast from real stone, wood, metal and other decorative textures. The specially formulated color coating is applied fully across the mold surface, followed by a specially formulated high density polyurea that is sprayed across the mold surface. The polyurea is thermally bonded into the color coating to form an integral, UV stable, colorfast, and impact resistant part. The high density polyurea exhibits great impact and scratch resistance, and high tensile and shear strength. Its elastomeric closed cell properties make it water resistant, and also resistant to solvents, pests and fungi. The iron oxide-based finish coat gives the product an authentic appearance and provides great resistance to weather and practically all external elements.
The products should not be used to structurally support other objects.
The products come in a variety of sizes and shapes, including wall panels and corners, wall and floor tiles, trims, and details. Products come in a variety of motifs, colors, and designs. Please see manufacturer’s product catalog for additional offerings.
6. Products Component Materials:
Polyurea Themecoat 751-FR is a Class 1 fire-rated, fast set, rapid curing, aromatic, two component hybrid polyurea/polyurethane spray designed to be applied over EPS, wood, concrete, block and many other surfaces. Its excellent balance of stiffness and impact resistance provides excellent plastic “shell- like” protection for delicate foams and EPS. Themecoat® 751-FR’s chemical design allows fast “user-friendly” application with excellent flow and appearance.
1:1 Mix Ration By Volume
100% Solids
Excellent Chemical Protection
Excellent Cold Temperature Impact Resistance Excellent Thermal Stability
Fast Cure
High Productivity
Low Shrinkage
Meets ASTM E-84 Class 1 Fire Test Criteria
Plastic “Shell-Like” Protection
Zero VOC
100% solids, two component polyurea coating
Contains no VOC’s
Good resistance to inorganic bases, acids and hydrocarbon solvents
Good resistance to oxygenated and chlorinated solvent
Good resistance to hot water up to 180° F
Nonskid surface
Use as a non-immersion grade tank lining for steel and concrete tanks
Lining of material handling equipment
Coating of urethane or expanded polystyrene foam insulation
Waterproofing of structures
Protection of concrete from acid and alkaline materials
Use as an environmental containment barrier with or without geotextiles
Used for lining interior of truck beds
Use as tank lining material
Containment Tank lining
Roofing Membrane
Weather Proofing Membrane
Protective Coating
Siding Products
Flooring Products
Architectural Shapes
Decking Products
Landscaping Products
10-gallon kit: 5 gallon (18.9 liters) pail of Side-A and 5-gallon (18.9 liters) pail of Side-B.
100-gallon kit: 50 gallon (189 liters) drum of Side-A and 50-gallon (189 liters) drum of Side-B.
Themecoat® 751-FR may be applied at any rate to achieve desired thickness. Theoretical coverage for 1 mil thickness is one gallon per 1600 sqft (7.78 liters per 149 sqm).
In general, coating performance and adhesion are directly proportional to surface preparation. Most failures in the perfor-mance of surface coatings can be attributed to poor surface preparation. Polyurea coatings rely on the structural strength of the substrate to which they are applied. All surfaces must be free of dust, dirt, oil, grease, rust, corrosion and other contaminants. When coating substrates previously used, it is important to consider the possibility of substrate absorption, which may affect the adhesion of the coating system, regardless of the surface preparation. The following information is for general reference, and for project-specific questions, contact DecoArmor.
Thoroughly mix Themecoat® 751-FR Side-B with air driven power equipment until a homogeneous mixture and color is obtained. Themecoat® 751-FR may not be diluted under any circumstances.
Both Side-A and Side-B materials should be preconditioned to 90-100°F (32.3-37.8oC) before application. Agitate at least one hour prior to application using heavy duty drum agitator. Side-B materials should be continuously agitated before and during application. Recommended surface temperature must be at least 5°F (3oC) above the dew point. Themecoat® 751-FR should be applied using a plural com-ponent, heated, high pressure 1:1 spray mixing equipment like Graco’s Reactor, Glass Craft or other equivalent machine may be used. Both Side-A and Side-B materials should be sprayed at a minimum of 2000 psi and at temperatures above 150°F (66oC). Adequate pressure and temperature should be maintained at all times. Themecoat® 751-FR should be sprayed in smooth, multi-directional passes to improve uniform thickness and appearance.
Themecoat® 751-FR has a shelf life of one (1) year from date of manufacture, in factory-sealed containers. Side-A and Side-B drums are recommended to be stored above 60°F (15oC). Avoid freezing temperatures. Store drums on wooden pallets to avoid direct contact with the ground. If stored for a long period of time, rotate Side-A and Side-B drums regularly.
Do not open until ready to use.
Both Side-A and Side-B containers must be fitted with a desiccant device during use.
This product contains Isocyanates and Curative Material.
Mix Ratio: 1A : 1B
Pot Life: 4-6 seconds
Tack Free Time: 30-60 seconds
Recoat Time: 0-12 hours
Viscosity at 150-160 degrees F (66.6-71 degrees C)
Side A: 100+- 50 cps
Side B: 150+- 50 cps
Density (Side A & B Combined): 10.27 lbs/ gal. (1230 kgs/m3)
Flash Point: > 200 degrees F (>93.3 degrees C) Hardness: ASTM D-2240* 75 +- 5%
Tensile: ASTM 412-C* 3200 +- 300 ps (21 MPa +- 2.1)
Elongation: ASTM 412-C* 15% +- 10%
Tear: ASTM 624-C* 400 +- 50 pli (70 kN/m)
Service Temperature -20 degrees F to 300 degrees F (-29 degrees to 149 degrees C)
(*These physical properties from sample sprayed with Graco Foam Cat 200 @ 2000 psi (32 MPa) minimum, with Gusmer GX7-400 mechanical purge gun @ 150-160°F (66-72oC).
Different machine and parameter will change these properties. User should perform their own independent testing as properties are approximate.)
Always follows DecoArmor installation instructions.
Always use DecoArmor specified installation materials.
Detailed manufacturer’s instructions are available upon request.
Flash point ASTM D-56 >720o F
Flame Spread <25
Smoke Development < 450
VOC Testing CAN/ULC-S774 P>200o F
Weight 8.5 lbs/gallon
Accelerated weather 2,000 hr weather meter: slight color change
Salt spray ASTM D-117-73 0.5%
Testing and Ratings
American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM)
ASTM C979 Standard Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete
ASTM D153 Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Pigments
ASTM D185 Standard Test Methods for Coarse Particles in Pigments, Pastes, and Paints
ASTM D387 Standard Test Method for Color and Strength of Color Pigments with a Plastics Using Activated Carbon Methods.
ASTM D1208 Standard Test Methods for Common Properties.
ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (coatings are noncombustible)
Mechanical Muller
ASTM D1203 Standard Test Methods for Volatile Loss ● data, ASTM D387
Residue, ASTM D185-84
Alkali resistance, ASTM C979-82
Water wetability, ASTM C979-82
Water solubility, ASTM D1208
Color - 84
Water absorption, HHC Method
pH value, ASTM D1203-84
Density, ASTM D153-54
Bulking value, HHC Method
Accelerated Weathering Test:
Method: Sunlighter MV weather tester turntable. Tester exposes the specimen to a 400W metal halide bulb at a distance of 6” with water spray 10” every 15 minutes. 200 hours exposure equates to 1 year real time exposure.
Results at 2500 hours:
Surface was good to excellent. Small areas of slight discoloration.
7. Warranty:
20 Year Limited Warranty: DecoArmor products are covered for a period of 20 years from the date of purchase. The warranty is valid from date of purchase, and requires that all installation instructions, specified installation materials, and applicable building codes are followed. DecoArmor will replace free of charge any materials deemed defective by a designated representative of DecoArmor. The warranty applies to the original owner and is not transferable.
This warranty does not cover damages that are due to:
Building settlement
Paint, graffiti or chemical exposure
Manufacturer will be responsible for only the replacement of defective product. Labor costs for the removal and reinstallation are not covered under this warranty.
8. Maintenance:
Applications should not require maintenance, other than reapplication of synthetic grout, caulk, and sealants as required. Excessive dirt build-up may be removed with a low pressure application of water.
9. Technical Services:
Technical Services are available from the manufacturer or their representatives.
Call 800.416.3544 or [email protected]
10. Filing Systems:
Additional product information is available from DecoArmor upon request. For more information contact DecoArmor at [email protected]
PRODUCT NAME: DecoArmor Simulated Stone and Wood Products
DESCRIPTION: Molded polyurea impregnated with blended Iron Oxides
Not Applicable
Boiling Point (degrees Fahrenheit): Not Applicable
Specific Gravity (water = 1): 1.0
Vapor Density: Not Applicable
Percent Volatile by Volume: 0
Melting Point (degrees Fahrenheit): Not Applicable Vapor Pressure: Not Applicable
Solubility in water: 0
Evaporation rate (butyl acetate): Not Applicable
Appearance: Various formation, texture and coloR
Flash Point: Not Applicable
Autoignition temperature: 500 – 550 degrees F
Extinguishing media: Water, carbon dioxide, sand
Special fire fighting procedures and protective equipment: None
Unusual fire and explosion hazards: Sawing, sanding or machining can produce foam dust as a by-product which may present an explosion hazard if dust cloud contacts an ignition source. An Airborne concentration of 40 grams of dust per cubic meter of air is often used as the LEL for foam dust.
Conditions contributing to instability: Stable under normal conditions Incompatibility: Avoid contact with oxidizing agents. Avoid open flame. Product may auto-ignite at temperatures in excess of 450 degrees F
Hazardous decomposition products: Thermal and / or thermal oxidative decomposition can produce irritating and toxic fumes and gasses including carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide
Foam dust
ACGIH TLV (Units):
5 mg/m3 (8 hour TWA)
10 mg/m3 (STEL)
OSHA PEL (Units)
5 mg/m3 (8 hour TWA)
10 mg/m3 (STEL)
Ingestion: Not likely to occur
Eye contact: This material will probably irritate human eyes following contact
Skin contact: Foam dust may evoke allergic contact dermatitis in sensitized individuals
Eye Contact: Immediately flush with large amounts of water. Remove to fresh air. If irritation persists, get medical attention.
Skin: Wash affected area with soap and water. Get medical advice if rash or persistent irritation or dermatitis occurs.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Get medical advice if persistent irritation, severe Coughing or breathing difficulty occurs.
Ingestion: Not Applicable
Foam dust: Foam dust may cause nasal dryness, irritation and obstruction and coughing, wheezing, and sneezing. Sinusitis and prolonged colds have also been reported. Depending on the species, foam dust may cause respiratory sensitization and or irritation.
Ventilation: Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation to most exposures limits.
Foam Dust: Avoid dusty conditions and provide good ventilation.
Personal protective equipment: Wear goggles or safety glasses when manufacturing or Machining this product. Wear NIOSH / OSHA approved respirator when the allowable Exposure limits may be exceeded. Other protective equipment such as gloves and outer Garments may be needed depending on dust conditions.
IMPORTANT: The information and data herein are believed to be accurate and have been compiled from sources believed to be reliable. It is offered for your consideration, investigation and verification. Buyer assumes all risk of use, storage, and handling of the product in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
DecoArmor Pro (“DecoArmor”) hereby warrants to Purchaser its decorative building products (“Products”) for a period of twenty years from the date of purchase against manufacturers’ MSDS non-conformance and degradation, cracking, and fading due to exposure to normal environmental and atmospheric conditions. The foregoing Express Warranty is subject to the standard provisions listed herein.
Standard Provisions
1) DecoArmor warrants that the Product will not experience change such that the Product does not simulate the appearance of the original article that the Product is replicating. Warranty coverage as to excessive fading of color is limited to that in excess of ASTM-B-659-80 No. 8 rating. The measurement of fading or chalking shall be made using the Gardner Laboratory Jacobson Chalk Tester. Fading must be in excess of 5 NBS units. Color measurements shall be made with a color meter, designed to adequately measure color by reflectance measurements of Tristimulus values, said measurements to be made by a representative of both parties. This warranty does not apply to color defects that are not noticeable at a distance of five feet or to hairline cracking, or to the Products’ reverse side finish. DecoArmor Products, like other siding materials, will experience some degree of fading with long term exposure to UV and atmospheric conditions.
2) This warranty does not apply to or cover defects or damage caused by or associated with a) defects in or failure of any part of the foundation or wall movement of the building, b) building settlement, c) earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, or other acts of God, explosions, fires, riots, or civil commotions or acts of war, d) falling objects, scraping, or damage to any part of the warranted Products caused by excessive physical blows, e) the hanging or suspension of weight, f) contact with or exposure to chemicals or foreign substances of a corrosive nature, g) contact with or exposure to water contaminated with lead, iron or other metallic substances, h) contact with metal or other fasteners not related to installation procedures, i) staining, j) any cutting, scoring or sanding of the Products not related to installation procedures, k) improper installation or any installation of the Products which does not follow Product installation specifications, l) use of any installation materials other than those specified in the Product installation specifications, m) use of Products on structures which do not conform to local building codes, n) defects such as air pockets and blemishes not found on the finished textured surface of the Product, and that are not visible or exposed to weather upon installation. o) damage caused by or during shipping and handling of the Products.
3) This warranty does not apply to installation materials or any other associated materials that are not manufactured by DecoArmor or DecoArmor manufacturers. DecoArmor Products are closed cell content and do not absorb moisture or allow air to flow through. If the Products are applied over substrate and the Products joints and edges are sealed, it may cause moisture to accumulate behind the Products and onto the substrate. It is the responsibility of the installer to allow for proper moisture drainage behind the Products. DecoArmor accepts no responsibility for any damage to substrates, or other materials, caused by moisture.
4) In no event shall DecoArmor’s liability under this warranty exceed the replacement of the defective Products, nor shall DecoArmor be responsible or liable for the cost of labor to remove and replace defective Products, or for any special, indirect or consequential damages for loss to the building, its contents or material.
5) In the event of any defects in the Products covered by this warranty, Purchaser must notify DecoArmor after the discovery of such defects within 90 days, or the Purchaser shall be barred from any remedy for the breach of this warranty. Purchaser shall present to DecoArmor such evidence that establishes any claimed nonconformance or defect was due to a breach of this warranty, and DecoArmor shall have a reasonable period of time to verify said nonconformity. DecoArmor’s liability for breach of this warranty shall be limited to repairing, re-coloring, or replacing the nonconforming products utilizing such materials, methods, or workmanship as should result in providing the prorated performance remaining under this warranty. DecoArmor shall have the sole discretion to determine which of the above methods will be used to fulfill its obligation.
6) DecoArmor makes no warranties, either express or implied, beyond the face hereof, including: in no event shall DecoArmor be liable for loss of profits, or any other incidental, consequential or special damages. This warranty shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with laws and customs of the State of Colorado.
7) All notice given to DecoArmor pursuant to this warranty shall be in writing and sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, as follows:
I/C... Warranty Dept.
Phone: (720) 770-3348
Email: [email protected]
DecoArmor Pro © 2023